Just upgraded my laptop from 10130 to 10159. Somehow after this upgrade, it won't activate. Keeps saying there's an error with the activation.
Looking through the thread, I don't see any links to EN-US Enterprise x64 ESD. Are there any floating around?
I don't think I ever upgraded a Windows 10 build yet (so I'm not sure if the screen itself is old news), but the upgrading screen looks pretty (too lazy to post a pic; it's the screen with "Upgrading Windows" at the top-center, a blue circle in the middle, a percentage in the middle)
Isn't that what the OP is for? I see a link to a en-us on the very first post? Never mind your looking for the Enterprise. I thought I saw one a while back but can't remember where though. lol
Yeah sorry, I just caught that myself. Like I said in the other post, I think I saw one about 10 or 15 pages back, but I could very well be wrong too.
en-us means English-US, not Enterprise-US. There hasn't been an Enterprise 10159 ESD posted so far; I would assume it's easier to just do a clean install of the Pro that's available and drop the Enterprise key in it for the upgrade at this point. >yes I know you edited your post, people seem to be doing that quite frequently and very quickly these days...