You probably could have installed an earlier 32-bit build, hit Windows Update, and grabbed it yourself by now.
mine did that,it is downloading in the background,but didn't show the progress,somebody posted a fix that worked for me,if you want to see the progress in the bar,stop the winupdate service,delete the following regKeys from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability: EnablePreviewBuilds, FlightingOwnerGUID, and UserPreferredBranchName.(these will all come back after update check) Then I restarted the WIndows Update service. Then check for updates again,and you will see that it has actually been downloading.
Disconnect the internet (either Ethernet or WiFi from the computer itself, not the entire network), reconnect it, and it should start. Had to do this on my laptop and desktop.
if you did an upgrade you'll probably see that the broken old app links are still there in all apps list,like the old store,and weather tile is still not live,might work in one of the sizes if your lucky,i know it's better to do a clean install but wanted to see how the system looks after the path that most of the general public would use.
Is the update that's downloaded from WU the same ESD that can be used for a clean install? What folder is this update stored in? I downloaded the update on my laptop already, but my desktop is still trying to download it. Figure I could shave another hour or two off the download time and just send it over from the laptop.
I have no idea how much to thank you It finally works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's downloading the update Thank you so much Also thanks to @timster, @espionage724 as well
Yes, you can always do a clean install with these ESD files (at least I've never found one that prevented it). You just have to decrypt/convert it to an ISO so you can move the contents to an installer media like a USB stick or whatever - yes you can just mount the ISO and do it I suppose but you'd probably end up having to use a secondary partition or something. My definition of a clean install is a blank drive or partition, not one that has something on it already and will simply overwrite what's there - that's what partitioning and formatting does in my usage. I jave never ever done an upgrade install of Windows and I've been using Windows since before even version 1.0 came out (been a beta tester for a long looooooooonnnnnnnngggggggggg time, seriously). I will never ever do an upgrade installation for any reason, it's just not something I will bother with. I image my current partition using True Image to another drive for safe keeping and then install whatever I happen to be testing. I don't use virtual machines either for such things, it's kinda pointless in the long run because with respect to beta testing Windows, Microsoft wants feedback from the widest possible amount of hardware configurations to narrow down the bugs. If everyone used virtual machines for their testing, everybody would discover exactly the same bugs because the virtual machines provide static testing platforms - it's exactly the same for everybody with the same hardware for the most part so that doesn't help much. Anyway, I just participate in this stuff to have something to do, I have no intentions of using Windows 10 when it's finalized - I can't stand it, personally. Kinda odd but it's 100% true.
I guess his only works when update stuck at 0% I waited 4-5 hours for build to show up in windows update