your lucky u cant imagine the head aches it can give u, if u start having driver old is that box? my is hitting seven years thats ancient in computers....could be in your model theirs better drivers than in my model.
Confirmed it's a MS server issue, busy working with them now Code: Your machine is indeed checking in for the update, and the update is on the server for you, but for some reason during the eval process... ... (where they chat and say "hey, this is the right update to give you!"), that part is coming back invalid so the build isn't being sent That's what we're digging into now
Solution fix WU? Run > regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability Go to the above registry entry and edit the ring and ringbackup to WIF and then change enablepreviewbuilds to 1 FINALLY(most important) Delete the contents of your flightingownerguid. Then click check for updates in the settings app and it will download. No need to reboot. =========================================================================================================================== CMD run: reg flags HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability set DONT_VIRTUALIZE =========================================================================================================================== deleted the regKeys from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability: EnablePreviewBuilds, FlightingOwnerGUID, and UserPreferredBranchName. Then I restarted the Windows Update service. Then I told it to check for updates again. The progress bar shot almost immediately to 100%. =========================================================================================================================== Uninstall key active and check Update (Fast ring) =========================================================================================================================== Go to Service.msc, turn off Windows Update (WU) service > Delete all files in Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download > Turn on WU service > check WU.