[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Build 10159

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by vijay6672, Jun 30, 2015.

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  1. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    #1401 Nucleus, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
    Forum announcement regarding M$ ISO's and DMCA requests is similar to a lawyers letter, in the sense that different ppl are interpreting it in different ways. :bookread:

    May be best to just wait until RTM leak and see what gives.
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  2. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    The question is what is considered a link and what not. For example, you could encrypt the link, post it publicy and share the key privately (or better, write a little tool that has the key embedded and handles the decryption for you, and link to the tool). Now, is that encrypted link that looks like nonsense in plain text a link or not? Would linking to the tool be problematic, after all, it's just a program that decrypts stuff, whatever secret message it contains.

    EDIT: Gettin too off-topic I guess.
  3. SNaRe

    SNaRe MDL Senior Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    I am just wondering what is gonna happen after they release RTM.

    We won't have any other builds isn't it?

    WZor or OSarchive or PCBeta won't be leaking any new builds.

    We won't have impressive builds anymore. We won't have to track ms-vnext.

    Any new features or updates will come only with windows update.

    We won't have thread like this full of useless posts.

    Maybe most of us will leave this forum since there is no need to track anymore.

    I am wondering what Windows 10 Insiders are gonna do in their spare times.

    This is like a disaster scenario.
  4. xinso

    xinso MDL Guru

    Mar 5, 2009
  5. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009
    about what is a link: it was said that only twitter posts can be linked to, wherever the difference is ...
    I don't know if future links to twitter are still ok when RTM is out
  6. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    It's all about you'll stay as Insider or not. If you stay, you'll get new builds, as long as you didn't resign from Insiders! from the now running system will nothing change if stay as Insider!!

    If you'd read Gabe Aul's blog, he stated clearly how it would be!
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  7. november_rain

    november_rain MDL Addicted

    Oct 25, 2012
    #1408 november_rain, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
    @xinso I guess scrip wont work on 10-Build-10159 & we need to install older version of Windows 10 to order to get the .esd links.
    One last question is this scrip will give all languages of .esd files or should we need another workaround to get all possible language .esd's
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  8. Don

    Don MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Yes, I resigned from my original insiders account and rejoined with another. The reason being that my pcs are all linked together for updates with that original account and that isn't where I would want to continue getting new builds.
  9. labvxe

    labvxe MDL Expert

    Mar 24, 2015
    Soon, we will give a build of Windows 10 to our OEM partners so they can start imaging new devices with Windows 10. The new devices our partners are working on are very exciting, I can’t wait to hear your feedback as you get a chance to use them.

    we get leak any day now!!! :D
  10. xinso

    xinso MDL Guru

    Mar 5, 2009
    #1412 xinso, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Adding language pack is good for swapping System UI language.

    But, most importantly, to totally change the Windows System to be capable of capturing the ESD of the new language, or upgrading System to the new language via WU or ISO, we need to modify the MUI registry as follows:

    Delete unwanted MUI keys.

    e.g. We sawp en-US to zh-TW by adding zh-TW language pack. Before restart to take effect, We need to delete en-US keys for both PreinstalledLanguages and UILanguages.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    To sum it up:

    1. Add a new language pack
    2. Delete unwanted MUI keys other than the new language
    3. Restart
    4. Capture the new ESD or upgrade to the new language System via WU/ISO

    After restart, the first attempt will fail for the System has deteted the language of the old ESD is being different from that in MUI registry. Have a second check, and there you go.
  11. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    Source ?

    Padding for 10 character restriction...
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  12. labvxe

    labvxe MDL Expert

    Mar 24, 2015
    #1414 labvxe, Jul 2, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
    Blogging Windows Terry Myerson Post
    So excited! Can't wait :D
  13. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    You should have removed the PCs from the MSA from OneDrive inbox instead of retiring the account from Windows Insider to add another one.
  14. Myrrh

    Myrrh MDL Expert

    Nov 26, 2008
    Push the check for updates button, then quickly go to advanced and select fast ring. Stay there until you see the hard drive working furiously, it will (hopefully) at that point be downloading it.
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  15. Don

    Don MDL Expert

    Jul 29, 2009
    Wouldn't have helped as my 10TB of onedrive space could not be shared then...somehow they need to come up with a way to share onedrive across multiple msas..unless they already have and I just don't know how.
  16. PaulDesmond

    PaulDesmond MDL Magnet

    Aug 6, 2009