I switch to slow ring then back to fast ring and it appeared but it hasn't started downloading yet I'm getting it from links on OP
It seems this present Windows server is faster than previous one. I am having 30% downloaded already. It used to take me a full day to download before upgrade.
Something here may help some... Just go to Microsoft insider register and install there windows 10 from there... it automatically updates too even if you have used KMSSpico too.... This way even if your not entitled to the free upgrade, Ms has said they will allow those running the better to keep auto updating it so they eventually end up with the finished product... Something must have been really bad with build 158 for 159 to come out on top a few hours later too ?? On internet explorer, I guess Microsoft is trying to oust it out here as if you look in the new start menu it's hidden in the bottom row of icon. you can just re-pin it to the task bar...
You realize the insider program alone has 4,000,000+ users right? Not counting ones using the esd links that aren't insiders. You're subtle attack at Wardoc
Now this is what i call a "Fast ring"! Since Windows 10 is nearly done and a lot of bugs are fixed, we might get a lot of new builds soon. Like Gabe said, the fast ring get's all the builds which are not "extremely buggy" -> Remember, we also get new builds after RTM! This is fantastic!
I timed it and it took 14:01 to finish back to desktop. About half a minute longer than 158 took for some odd reason.
he is mad as hell i don't use HDD's only SSD's and a SSD fast USB 3.0 drive so things install very very fast plus my net speed is 100 down and 90 up which means only mins to download all