You saw them in test builds and I agree they could do that but to make it to RTM they woyuld first have to write it if that is what is involved, then incorporate into builds internally at least and thoroughy test the change before then building a new RTM RC and going through all the testing that would involve. There is just no time to do that and get it out within their schedule which includes getting it to the OEMs in time to make some new PCs.
Most large corporations also have rules about making major decisions or policies on Sundays as well for a whole host of reasons one being that it may not be legal. Of course writing off on RTM may never face a court but I doubt they would take the chance.
Can't remember which, I think Greece (Maybe Italy) it is illegal to work on a weekend (See a Top Gear Episode)
I'm speaking more about contracts, and that would be this world..but because anything can be dragged into court these days corporations just avoid the whole thing.
And many countries, the same is true for Fridays and Saturdays too depending on what country you live in...
Yep, no Office v13, no Visual Studio v13 (but, interestingly, there was a Visual C++ compiler v13). That a tech company can be so superstitious... stargazers and religious people, OK, but software engineers?
Serving certain legal papers on Sunday is illegal in some states. City marshals will not serve evictions on Sunday. In some towns in some states, you can't buy alcohol on a Sunday. Those pesky city laws. :MJ
I can just remember the episode where the cops stopped them for filming on a weekend, and the cops said they could keep filming, so long as it was not work lol
you ladies must be real bored waiting for something that aint coming perhaps a private chat room to swap recipes