well they give two options now when u log into your MS account pass or PIN.....bio still the more secure......maybe they cant make it work when u have to log into MS cloud
BITS for some reason gets blocked by failed NT Authority owned downloads which can't be removed through powershell - to clear the list use this script: Code: @echo off net stop BITS ipconfig /flushdns ren "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr0.dat" qmgr0.dat.old ren "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr1.dat" qmgr1.dat.old net start BITS Wait a while then try WU again. If you have problems just rename those files back again but that shouldn't be necessary.
that sucks....i have two laptops here with biometric capability i hope it does not go to waste....maybe they will surprise us in the final build.
Confirmed. Just installed 10074 on a VM, hit WU and there it is, second update. Been waiting for over five hours for it to show up on 2x 10158 and 1x 10159 PC's. Thanks for tip pp03
DO NOT download the decrypter from the link in the OP. It is an .exe that installs a bunch of spam crap on your computer. People should be permanently banned for this type of thing.