Incorrect. Things like timestamps when folders within the ISO got created during the running of the script will be different, thus producing a different hash.
See, you have the same checksums for the 64-bit ESD that I do, so I'm confident that EFA11's download wasn't solid and has some corruption somewhere.
My Wi-Fi is still flatlined on Gremlin and I restarted twice. I'm just grabbing the Pro from the first link posted and Hopefully I can just change the Key to upgrade Home
I kind of understand why they would not be allowed but is it just for malware purposes or is the rule in effect for something else? Legal?
Download was stuck on 0% on my desktop so I logged out and back in and tried again, now the update isn't showing any longer in WU - Why?
It is very fast to download. Mine is 60% downloaded within a minute of checking for Windows update. All hail Microsoft!
yes ESD's should have the same checksum indeed. My DL probably was corrupt. That is true and Ill give you that. However, even with the exact checksum on our ESDs, our isos will be different.
The fact that they are rolling these out so fast must mean they are happy with all of them and any one of them can end up being RTM in the end.
try this one :Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | Select -ExpandProperty FileList | Select -ExpandProperty RemoteName >$env:userprofile\desktop\ESD-url.txt
Sorry! The one that's downloaded within a minute is build 10161 not build 10162, which is downloading now.