What is this sentence supposed to mean? Can't you create full sentences that actually MAKE sense? I've seen lots of those posts in here. I can ignore grammar as it seems not all of you can speak English(prohint: I'm not a native English speaker) but writing such posts with no meaning gets on my nerves.
Run this as admin in Powershell. Most times it works. Code: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"} Or, change attachment .txt to ps1 right click, and choose Run with Powershell!
That brings up another question, if you download RTM from here, what happens if you click on windows update and it installs PRE RTM Build
No I can't say the words, but ya'll know I'm waiting till 29th just in case if has to come through WU Oh I'll download for another partition, on top of 10162
Does anyone know if you can adjust slideshow timer on wallpapers on Windows 10? Or make them "shuffle" for that matter. Was pretty easy in Win 8.1. Am i blind and can't see the option or is it gone? Edit: Jesus i'm stupid.. Just found the option.