hmmm.."ISOS will be available again in the future" wonder what that means exactly as it doesn't sound like they will be available anytime around the 29th.
when you reboot into the new account,it's like a reset,it will show the screen(please wait,setting up a few things for you) you should save your files so you can move them to your folders again,all your programs will be there,but you may have to update your apps,i had a few bugs left over from upgrading,like 4 apps wide start menu,a few broken old app links,like the old store icon in all apps view,and my weather tile wasn't live,and a few apps failing when updating,deleting my msa account then recreating again after a reboot fixed everything.
We'd have to wait and see but unsure why the process still wouldn't work via ESD. They will need to stream the bits to the target PC just like they do now so we should still have the ESD on our drives to decrypt and turn in to an ISO.
You are probably right, I'm sure not all 5 million insiders know about ESDs and what to do with them.
Yes but we can't activate it! We can't do a clean install because Microsoft needs to check if the upgrade process in WU works good and if we do a clean install we can't activate it!
Good question. Open elevated cmd and type: net user Guest /active:yes Now press enter and the Guest account is activated.
I'm not sure that is right. We have to do an upgrade first but that was always the case and MS won't give us ISOS but if the ESDs are there and we make out own I can't see why we can't do a clean install after the upgrade. If it works correctly it should be self activating as that has always been how it is supposed to work after the initial upgrade.
So, how do the Paid for apps recognize I own them if I change to a new MSA account? Do they just follow the email address?
Why is that? Just use WU once to get Windows 10 updated from your legal 7 or 8.1 and after that you simply could feel free to install on a clean way! Nothing wrong with that, except for sure for those who using pirated etc. older versions of Windows!! I'm OK with the way Microsoft is going for to benefit the legal users. Just start to think about at the time Windows 8 were gone on sale! even 15 bucks were to much for many to pay to get an legal license! And also think about the the most users who complaining are the self confessed Pirate Users of Windows. And, and, and! Why everybody, or to say it clearly, the pirate users should get in general should benefit for free same as those who paid a lot of bucks to Microsoft already?! For my own private use and for my Company I already paid thousands of dollars for Microsoft Software until to date! Reading a lot disgusting post's from self confessed pirate users of Windows on this forum, didn't steers me in the direction for to wish they get the same benefit as I get! Simple fact is, as long as an Insider will stay as just that, he/she will get all new builds (time bombed for sure) as long as not resign from Insider! That's simply good enough for the former pirate user of windows. I know, this comment may start's a Sh*t Storm, I really don't mind about that! I would never tell anything else, just what is in reality in my mind, like it or hate it, I really don't mind. Have a good day!
Here is what I need to know, right: 1. Just use WU once to get Windows 10 updated from your legal 7 or 8.1 and after that you simply could feel free to install on a clean way! 2. as long as an Insider will stay as just that, he/she will get all new builds (time bombed for sure) as long as not resign from Insider!
You sign in with the same MSA, when he says new account, he means the newly created account. The account is not new, it has simply been wiped from the machine.