things are definitely picking up steam, 224 has moved to the canary ring and it has barely been uploaded..208 is in the osg..maybe MS realizes time is running late. AND 10.0.10224.16384 (th1.150708-1812) is now in the RTM branch.
I really don't care what will be the build number of the RTM. Just give me my damn Windows 10 RTM. I,we have been waiting for a long time.
Yes unfortunately that's what MS has been doing releasing new Windows OS in the past: always passed the back-to-school shopping season. This year they finally decided to catch the wave with an early RTM of Windows 10. Let's see if Nadella could make it this time.
yeah nice build start menu hangs after 2 seconds and closes also mouse pointer hangs in start menu after a few seconds and mouse scrolling also hangs everything was working fine with 10162 please help!
10224 still compiling BTW, anything between 1016** and RTM is a waste of time. No big changes, probably they are focusing in drivers compatibility and metro apps