[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] "UBR"=dword:0000400d (16397) "BuildLabEx"="10240.16393.amd64fre.th1_st1.150717-1719"
Asking myself likewise. One should check (if): Code: reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "BuildLabEx"
Well, I keep clicking on Windows Update for NEW LANGUAGE 10240 ESDs. No time no mood to dig it out now.
That wasn't the only update tonight, there was also KB3074686 and they aren't even calling it a security update..haha Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3074686) I suspect there will be a bunch more before the 29th.
I know that feel. I'm doing a whole bunch of single language vms. I get a feeling that they're not going to be on MSDN, so it might be our only way to get them.
Yeah, you are right. MS has stated clearly that the users are used as beta testers for Enterprises until stability confirmed. For the vms, no, I am testing several partitions on a single VHD, with all language packs preinstalled for each partition. Otherwise, I am gonna make another bunch of hundreds of VHDs on 02/10/15 when my 9926 VHDs got expired.
The latest update (KB3074679) just seems to be intel hd graphics drivers, defender definitions and a local user account glitch using a ms account fix... yet they call it a security update
Oh boy, it's like teaching moths these days ... they seek light, but when found they are that excited, no info seems to get anchored. DEAR MS!!! Please complicate the process since they won't ever believe it's that simple.
You mean pre-install all the languages so you can reg edit between them to check for new builds? Lemme know how that goes.
Update that includes KB3074679, a hotfix for x64 systems that fixes authentication issues when connecting a Microsoft account with a local user