I agree with you, could of course happen. My hopes are just high because WZOR or any other trusted release source hasn't lost a word about KMS changes yet. I will wait and see what happens at 29th EDIT: s1ave77 is right, KMS is not their only leverage point to deal with "us", I should keep that in mind ...
No-one is saying they will do at GA, BUT get rid of romantic ideas it would be difficult in any way. Multiply that with lesser control over updates and other 'features' which haven't been noticed so far .
I don't see why anyone is worried at all, Install Windows 7 and activate it, and upgrade to Windows 10 from there, by pass windows 8 completely, Win7 is much easier to get a genuine copy on. Forget KMS altogether.
I would really like to upgrade my 8.1 KMS'd Machine to 10 right after GA when things are clear. Would be a shame if they wait e.g. a month to deal with us afterwards ...
you missed me saying "this old article" ... but its true, the reasons behind microsoft making it so easy to get a copy of windows 10.
It doesn't matter The guts of the article is right : That helps Microsoft because it’s moving towards selling apps through its own store — allowing it to take a cut, just as Apple does. The more developers want to sell apps for Windows phones and computers, and the more people that use them, the more money that comes back to Microsoft. It will also see more people sign up for Microsoft accounts, getting them using Microsoft’s recent services like online storage service OneDrive. If Microsoft can get people into using its products, they will buy more — a strategy used effectively by Apple — and so the move could drive purchases of new devices after all. M$ is looking at this as a service. They don't care how you activate Windows 10. Once they have you hooked, they will flog all sorts od services to you. get you roped in first, they the sales pitch starts
I don't ! My concern is to let you know that Microsoft plans evolve and you cannot bank on that information as a whole.
It's the same model Apple and Google uses, OSX, Android and Chrome OS are free and they make their money off their stores and services. Microsoft was just late in the game, which is the norm with them lately.
Oh, yeah! You have simply forgotten the huge numbers of Windows users are programmed for the so called freebies. You are arguably thinking that because it is now more in tune with apps means more revenue. There is clear reason to speculate it might just be the opposite after seeing how the mobile phone platform has yielded little or less profit. There is more to making it profitable than providing revenue for app developers. The users-based of Windows tend to like free apps because they tend to spend less when compared to the usual Apple users that cut across the middle income earner and the rich. That factors in one of the reasons the mobile phone section has not be receiving incentives. People have been using Microsoft account till now. The reason why it provided that means is for security purposes not for income generation. If you look closely at Apple it applies to purchasing of Apple product and mainly restricted to Itunes. Not the way Microsoft requires you to use it to log into your system and otherwise. If really they don't care about how people activate Windows 10 as you said. Why is Windows XP left out of the plan? The initial idea is to bring the Windows XP users along only at the last minute they are removed from the upgrade process. Microsoft cannot be trusted with their plans sometimes. And, using that article dated January can be complicating issue as the plan is gradually meant to provide service people might not want to use.
I posted this on another thread, but it gives my opinion on your query "The reason they aren't giving the free upgrade to XP and Vista is because they know there will be so many machines of that era that won't run well on Windows 10, they'll either go too slow, have very limited driver support or just be unstable as they're already stuffed with leaking capacitors and so on. The problems combined with the older computers could have a huge potential to give Windows 10 a bad reputation. Computers of that age really need replaced. It makes sense to only give it to Win7 + computers. Also computers from late in Windows 7's time to now is the time a majority of computers sold were laptops or OEM's like HP and Lenovo, the market for the generic home built and small computer retailer computers died off pretty quickly so most people will have a genuine oem install already. It's basically taken OSX's stance, Windows is now free..... they hope to make money from their services and the cut they get from the store... The same model Apple and Google have."
Thank you. What do you say about the Windows store for mobile phone that has been in existence for some time now with little to no profit for Microsoft?
Therefor the new Windows General Concept with new Store also shipping real Programs together with those crappy 'Apps' . ... you get the direction ?