en-US and zh-TW only. All others deleted for those on 29th to see if it will be more beautiful. One pt-BR x64? Which Edition? Pro or.... I do not have a crystal ball.
For a minute my Settings App was warning me that my copy of windows wasn't activated. I did all the updates, and restarted, and now it's activated. I see you Microsoft.
xinso, waiting here like a child wirh tears on my eyes.. waiting like hell because im at work and im running out of time thanks anyway man!!! edit.: sorry.. PRO edition only, in x64 pt-br ESD or ISO.
But you did not tell me which Edition. I am NOT Harry Potter. MS direck links OK? You can have them all at once.
Has anyone tried upgrading a compressed WIM installation? (Like those on 32GB devices, HP Stream 11 etc.) I think on the earlier previews it wasn't allowed, not sure if it's still the same with RTM? Anybody try? If you can't are these devices stuck on Windows 8.1? Since no upgrade, there will be no way to activate officially.
Wrong file link? fi-FI (Finnish): Enterprise x86: File: 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1_cliententerprise_vol_x86fre_fi-fi_b5e7ff16ac0279c8b5144b0dc86639dcd65e42e7.esd I downloaded this and the the SHA-1 of this file is: 2890f294686d56bb40413abec1587d8a582fc0f7
thats what it says 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1_clientpro_ret_x64fre_pt-br_f76c7f4357940eae7e6dc39942ec6cadf85c2d97.esd
love you guys... now one more question.. im running the tool to make an iso from it. what is the best choice: 1 or 2 on the tool?
I use 1, all you need for your normal ISO. Please do not share your ISO here though, it is unique to you. It will be called homebrew (homemade) and not allowed to be shared here at MDL.