Guys, I'm sure other people have found this bug but this build doesn't seem to start applications that I put in the Startup folder Has anyone found a fix for this? Thanks in advance
Can you upload that file to torrent or another hosting (ex uptobox), because my connection is very slow to hugefiles and mega
Thanks for your response Maybe because I am from southeast Asia. I usually achieve download speeds of 400 (peak hour) - 700 kbps, but from hugefiles my download speed only 180-220kbps
I can say for a fact that it worked, I did the folowing steps: I did a fresh install of Windows 7 installed Windows Loader (with an internet connection), Rebooted Upgraded to Windows 10 Windows 10 is now activated I am only a bit unsure that if i do a fresh install that it will remain activated.
hugefiles is normally super fast, but the mtwei openload mirrors can be sped up a lot by using a download manager that allows multiple connections. IIRC hugefiles only allows 2 connections per file.
yeah I am using IDM to download from hugefiles now, and only 2 connection is working | 2 left connection disconnected. But Nucleus say the openload mirror link Dead, can u re-upload that link for me or do you have another mirror link?
Thanks nucleus, really appreciate it Btw are those link direct from microsoft server? Amazing, with those link my download speed achieve 700-800kbps
I'll look into the en-us ones, but I'm not going to maintain the rest. If ppl need non-en-us versions re-mirrored they can request.