So one more thing for all the doubters, Dell and Toshiba both have Windows 10 PCs on sale at BestBuy on the 29th..not even for order but in the store. The funny thing is, MS doesn't.
doubting what? I missed something I think. RTM (I know *sign* no longer called RTM...) the OEM's got the images to build their systems, why wouldn't they have some ready for the 29th? I think I stepped away from the computer too long hehe
i'm sure all companys / partners have in store windows 10 box's and computers which is already ready but waiting 29 july for this... But where is the Candy Crash ????
Not that, a whole bunch of people said there won't be windows 10 pcs until mid august at the earliest. But yeah, I need to clarify my "doubters" when I post.
Does anyone got a link for for both en-gb x64 and x86 enterprise 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1?