curious what MS will ship to MSDN subscribers. In the past we received a bunch of DVDs but now they even could ship these sticks ... would save a lot of carton space ... lol
that i put it for make some fun..cauze microsoft remember put win 10 when rest of us we use usb for make format over 5-6 years....maybe more for others .but i use it from the windows 7
Ok start game from now downloaded files and preparing windows 10 in system reserved in windows 8.1 folders, for 3 days all need preparation status change will be status downloading and when is complete then you upgrade system to win 10. Good look
now windows 10 fells better , had cracked win 10 i installed So on my laptop i had win 8.1 pro ( Windows 8 1 8in1 x86 x64 en-US May2015-murphy78 ) did my activation had only unziped ISO upgraded it signed in with new MS account did 2 updates rebooted , then i used rest this pc option and now it FLYS.
After latest update (KB3074681), C:\Windows\System32\InstallAgent.exe was running in the background for about 10 minutes. USB3/Hub version was changed to 10.0.10240.16399.