Run it 2 more times, reboot If that does not work, try Bring up ADMIN Cmd prompt, type chkdsk /r /f , this checks disk for errors
A little scary. Now MS can send whatever they like between any users they choose with no notice to anyone. MS is a master node that controls all all little user nodes, in the dark.
Yes same here seems to be faster in a sec on around the 20 sec test noticed on same physical old dell E6400 machine Yesterday. Hope it keeps up with the pace the rate at which these updates are flowing in
.... and: Analyse Comonent-Store: Code: dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth Repair Component-Store: Code: dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Needs online contact to MS Server.
Have ya'll noticed now in Win 10 it wants source disk in to do dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
What is up with Nvidia and this build of Windows. I can only run my system for like 45min to and 1 1/2 hours the the Nvidia driver stops working. Windows gives me a notification that the driver stops working and it restarts the driver then crashes again. Does it with three different cards. Using 353.54 and tried it with 353.30 and also with 347, all have the same problem. Running Enterprise 10240.
Mine have worked fine without any problems. Do you have some anti-virus program running or something?