Okay I got it to work but you have to point it at the mounted windows directory. /source:c:\mount\windows I haven't tried the mounted iso version.
Anyone have this issue after installing KB3074681, I'm able to replicate it. Someone over on tenforums has the exact same issue:
#5914 : Totally agree. I installed Office 2016 preview / Avast / download Maps / etc. / and after the last updates my 2 notebooks are running more faster. Never saw that in a Windows OS prior to W 10.- EXCELENT WORK MS !!! ( now my Windows 95 license was worth the money ... )
It has been tens of years, and I go KMS and Windows sub-forums only. Tell me the reason you found from Chatbox? FUD? I saw you mentioned Mod, not Admin. Mod is Moderator, and Admin is Administrator. Come on. I am old, and I am not good at English. Tell me the answer. So I do not need Google translation.
I wanted to ask if anyone knew... I have Win 8.1 pro fully activated. Should I upgrade first to Win 10 and then clean install Win 10? Or is it possible to clean install Win 10 and keep my license activated without upgrading? Is an internet connection necessary in order to conduct any of what I previously mentioned? I'm kind of a n00b with Win 10...
I got the same network & programs and features issues reported with KB3074681. I won't uninstall it for now, hopefully it will be fixed by the time I wake up and be the straw that broke the forced-update camel's back!!!
OMG. You answered so fast before I finished my question. (Kidding you. You know I always have to edit my post so often - due to bad English.)