lol ... I'm out, never faced this kind of problem. Perhaps a funny setting in adapter? Really no idea
After installing windows 10 i'm not able to configure any of my emails like(yahoo,gmail and outlook) in Mail app. After adding these email accounts if i try syncing i'm getting this Windows cannot sync error ERROR Code : 0x8000ffff. Someone please help.. I have tried reinstalling the windows but still the issue persist.
All it takes is your kids or anyone who uses your pc to click something they shouldn't, so its a no"brain"er to have an antivirus to prevent any viruses from infecting your pc.
AV may not be need for some of us who use windows built in security who know what we are doing but simple things don't come easy for others even when they are over 30 years
for average Joe the build in AV machine is more than enough, you don't need extra AV crap, believe me because the signatures of malware must be updated on every single software as well as on MS's. 0-day attacks, btw, cannot be detected by any of these so called test-winner AVs nor by MS defender. You are doomed anyway but foolish to pay for something which works like free MS AV
Speaking of AV am I the only one that after every reboot gets a popout notification saying to turn on AV even though it is certainly on.
I said goodbye to antivirus a long time ago Those software are no use to me and just slow down my PC. BTW you can turn off the notification in Control Panel -> Security and Maintenance -> Change Security and Maintenance settings