I want to give up on Avast a long time ago. But the Windows Firewall is too messy for me, I can't block all adobe updates at the same time, i have to block one by one. There's any third party Firewall that has a noob-friendly interface?
Latest WU AMD drivers update is available. Is there anyway not to install them, since i have installed 15.7 drivers from AMD site...
i have some confusion question regard windows 10 do you know ? from i made a esd to iso how the computer recognize the activation key if i reinstall system? 2.if i uprgade from insider preview how put key ? windows 10 key or how activate when i upgrade from insider preview 3. i downloaded esd and made iso then upgraded from 8.1 .afterthat can i do fresh install?
LOL @ the brain.exe, mine is outdated. i'm sorry. Anyway, i have several adobe applications blocked through the Avast Firewall. Update Manager, Acrobat, PS etc.. I don't think i can do it from the hosts file
1. After you upgrade from 8.1, the hardware ID will be sent to Microsoft and it is your unique activation key. When you reinstall win 10, and connect to internet, it will be activated 2. you don't need to activate, unless it is enterprise version 3. Yes, you can