Exactly...too much paranoia running rampant. After my first clean install (with no use whatsoever of an insiders MSA) I set my BIOS clock ahead 5 years to make sure and everything was just the same.
In my principal computer i'm not going to do a clean install and delete the windows.old folder with Windows 8.1 because I want to wait and see if Microsoft deactivate my key or something
I can do a clean install?! Thanks god. My windows.old folder takes more than 80gb and I want to delete it. Thank you again!
It convinced me. Think about what they would have to do to deactivate it and since this is the same code as OEMs are building new PCs with they would get deactivated too or not activated to begin with. It's not going to happen.
if its activated after upgrading from genuine yes you can clean install at will but you can also delete your windows old only if you wish disc cleanup\ clean system files option and choose previous win installs
Source your so confident, I hope all is OK, but were does it say that, I don't care what they sent to OEM's, where does it say from MS it's OK to clean install now.
They won't, what early reason would they want to? Just so they can get reams of bad press and anger every tester they have and every journalist who writes about it? As somebody above said if they didn't want it tested they wouldn't have let you test it and they certainly wouldn't be updating a build that is going to die in a few days the way they are. If I had a farm I would bet it that nothing will happen after the 29th other than some more new fixes.
I'm doing a clean install of this build but it asks me for a product key. To you know the product key for this build?
I didn't say that would happen in general, but since MS keeps track of ALL Upgrades on their Servers, they can easily determine what underlaying OS was used and how this was activated. No problem to trigger fishy ones to de-activate. Still the question remains will they do .
source =common sense .. why MS want to do that ?... if the free upgrade worked before 29th I doubt MS will say oh those 1 million ppl that activate before GA will get fuk***** we will deactivate their free windows for all !!!! bahahahahahaha we are Evil
Everything I've seen says wait till 29th, to be on safe side I am doing just that, that does not mean that anything will change, but