Well yeah if they weren't legal and you used a MSA insiders's account and then you quit the program I believe you will get deactivated and they have said you will. I am only talking about totally legal underlying OSes that you have clean installed after an upgrade and without using a MSA. If you did that and it was activated there is no reason on earth they will kill it. For a second let's say they did then my guess is all you would have to do is reboot to get it activated because everything was legal today is still legal on Thursday...so you see why I am so confident they won't touch it.
ppl .. they are giving this oS for millions for free ( including insiders). do you honesty think they will care if you upgrade 1 week earlier ? ... common sense ppl
If they cared about clean installs they would stop you from doing one, at the least your whole screen would light up and say if you proceed you will lose your activation on the 29th..they aren't trying to trick you into destroying your machine, they really aren't.
Are we gonna receive "Official" 10240 or in other words RTM 28th of July as a favor rather than getting with public? I remember that I saw something like that.
insiders got RTM 2 weeks earlier through WU.. and the 10240 esd = rtm so not sure what you are asking official iso ?
The more you speak of this makes me think you are down on your knees praying, I hope all is OK, but all MS has say is we said the 29th, I'm doing like they say, everyone is free to do as they like, how many people have you told to clean install, if on 29th MS does do something, someone is going to feel pretty bad, not saying they will, but (the but is killing you)jk,lol
So stange. I do a clean install in my Insider pc and its remains activated but he tells me that the Insider builds are deactivated. I need to activate it, right?
I don't really care if they do kill it on the 29th. It is on one test machine and another copy in a VM... No great loss, in the meantime I get to play around with it. Will they kill it. I seriously doubt they will. Because, they are using all the installers and activations to test out their system and work out problems.....Why would they punish people for doing what they actually want to happen?
if it says fix me you need to verify your account if get started its grey you need to be an insider again