This can't be serious ... MS, hello, anybody at home. What idiots designed that UI???? Icons set to smallest possible ... and the spacing remains. Assumed to use crappy Settings now in general and voila ... sytstem pane opens. ORLY .... . EDIT: .................................................
@ brian85k Yeah if you say its activated good work Does it ask you to change product key or insert product key?
First two things even most of the average joes out there will likely do ... AND 2 COMPLETE FAILS. Install is indeed smooth and very fast.
Wow that's crazy, I was going to take screen pic of it, but now it's gone, something funny is going on
Shame unto them they should not have set smaller icons as default because some of us need bigger glasses than you Avatar We need to tell them in their next build
Ahh, OK, valid point, didn't see it that way . Still the spacing should decrease automatically when you make them smaller .
True it should automatically decrease to qualify as user friendly UI I hope they realize it earlier than the start button
Quick question. How do you change from Enterprise back to pro. I know you change it in the Reg. but I can not remember where. Thanks
"Next is gone". Windows update was stuck at 73%. Got it fix by restarting the PC, updating whatever updates there was, restarting again, and now "Next" is gone.
Code: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion EditionID >> Professional ProductName >> Windows 10 Pro
10:00 of course I'm waiting on my other system to see when it comes up, I'm guessing it will start downloading like any other update and once it's finished it will pop up a message.
Yes, good thing I'm not alone on that boat. I mean, come on, we are talking about MICROSOFT, how can they have this R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S interface? This is worse than Windows 8.1... Windows 7 interface all the way... I cringe hard when I look at the windows icons and menus, UGLY as hell.
I may be wrong but your shots looks like you click on to change the product key because I have just simulated it At elevated cmd run [slmgr.vbs -xpr] without the bracket and lets see