My only issue is, it starts with nice bachground this time but as far as i opened anything i realized they managed this to become even more ugly than vanilla Win 8/8.1 RTMs. And you even can't change that easily in Settings (which btw. regularly sends you to Sys Pane). Who designed that dumbed down OS? It's a real show-stopper atm. I will wait for SiB++ and AeroGlass progress and an inverted Theme.
Yes this build is nothing but s**t. I even posted this in Windows 10 forums. I really liked Windows 10 even with the sound problems in other builds, but when your system crashes every 1hr or so what good is it.
4GB oops also they need to improve creative windows themes because at the moment its still s**t and am tired of give feedback because its like pissing in the wind also send messages to Gabe and he being selective anyway its there problem .. but if things don't improve within a month am fuking it off basically add this to another failed Microsoft idea ..
true, I'm willing to give it a chance as long as it's stable, but bugs that affect essential things are ridiculous. i still have to bite my tongue though, simply because it's not July 29th yet, but I'm giving this OS 10 days after that (10 ), then ....well, unlike other people i was really comfortable with 8.1.
On my fresh VM install i noticed Access Denied due to missing permissions error when trying to access Network Settings from so-called ""SETTINGS"" . Tells me to contact my Admin ... still trying to figure out who that might be .
Edgeware=Empty theres nothing to it but UI and it s-----s MS did the tests and they cheated Maybe they surprise us on 29th
I am afraid NOT until LTSB Enterprise. (Do not reply. I just hopped up. I am busy finding RSA for Slave77.)
I have question i have windows 7 enterprise activated with mak key genuine can i upgrade to windows 10 enterprise
Sorry, I have to, what does hopped up mean, 1). Got up from sleeping 2). Just got off toilet 3). Personal 4). Your a PITA
why is it my KMS activation still shows the same expiry date for Windows 10? Is this because KMS server isn't working yet until the 29th of July?