I go away for a day and come back to 20 pages of people in full paranoia about Windows 10 deactivating their copy! people need to stop with the fear, and stop asking if they will be deactivated, obviously nobody knows!!!! but it's EXTREMELY unlikely!
Seems a new problem has come up with Network Connections right click on Ethernet or WiFi to go to properties everything shuts down .. what the heck MS..
You need to show us article from MS that states nothing will change, no one is spreading fear except people who have already done what MS said not to and are trying to convince them selves that nothing will change, I hope it does not, but I have no proof, I think you people should wait till 29th before you tell anyone anything, lol
OK this worked for me...Installing just the latest KB3074678 , fixes the bugs windows update wont let you chose just one, so install both, then, uninstall KB3074681 ... this fixes the Crashes and for those who have it the websites rendering issue. you may need to do a clean system, and clear your browsers cache. ...
If those keys would be Preview/Insider keys, the OEM ISO would never ever install them during the upgrade, as Daz noted earlier in chatbox. The product.ini proves them likewise . So what should change at 7/29 ? At least in regards of legit Upgrades. Not talking about the 'managed' ones.