you've got that 100% correct, the flaw is in the interpretation. You don't need to roll back to 7 or 8.1 if you upgraded from a genuine version as an insider, you can leave the program and stay activated, only if you upgraded from a pirated version. How they're going to work out what is pirated and what isn't will be the issue here for some. I doubt there will be anyone who used Daz's loader marked as a pirated copy, I'd be more worried about KMS activated, but I still don't think they'll be doing a thing about them either. Only a short wait now
yeah, if they can till what's genuine and what's not maybe they couldn't deactivate them but they could've targeted ONLY the genuine ones with the "reserve Win 10" update... now what i'm saying is just a hypothetical unless someone tried a non activated but fully updated 7 or 8.1 , and he gets the reserve win 10 notification (which wouldn't make much sense if it happened)
Seriously, is this still be argued? They are NOT deactivating genuinely activated upgrades..period..end of story.
me too, and few days ago i signed off insiders program, downgraded to 8.1 > activated it with KMS, got the notification... updated to 10, and was still activated... so i did a clean install (fully wiped the HDD) and also it's still activated... this by any means will not make me make the claim that it will stay activated for ever, that i don't know. we can all agree that MS definitely knows about Both Loader & KMS activation, but the question is are they going to let it go!!! in my opinion they will. simply because i think we here think of windows user base as the members of MDL, but in reality how many of those under 7-8.1 currently (in the world) did click the reserve button! how many will actually follow through! how many will download and make the update! and from all those how many are like us here thinking about activation workaround, my guess is, most people will go through he "legal route" ... the trick here is, in version 10 most people (including most of the ones here on MDL) will stay on a legal method of activation as long as it's possible, in MS mind this is good because it's bad business for Activation methods (the non legal ones). again this is just speculation, but it makes sense, if they want to deactivate (or have the intention to do so) they would've at least hinted it (which they didn't and they were clear about what's going to happen) , because comes july 29th, and they deactivate people (or a month after that...etc) what would happen!(assuming there wont be any other method of activation). well, people will go back to what ever they had and were comfortable with, and a lot of them may not come back to it, and they (MS) will not just loose some users, they'll use the users base that's Most Enthusiastic and will (knowingly or not) will promote the OS. wow, this is the longest thing i wrote on MDL lol
hey man where i can download w10 rtm when they come out like w8.1 for example they have official thread in this forum i am still waiting 2 day to download it when rtm is released, i dont want try insider version cause they still not final hopely somebody can make the thread for w10 when they come out how is that?
the wzor leak are presumably "the" RTM (arguably) and there's a pinned thread here where you can download it.. if you mean the july 29th release, will I'm sure there will be threads here posting it, and if you reserved it from 8.1, MS will send update it for you or send you a link (or both)
glad to hear, i want download from this forum when they come out i get w8.1 from this forum too btw i have a question about process installation, is that same like w8.1?
The ISO when it is released will be at the 10.0.10240.16384 (th1.150709-1700) level so that it matches RTM I would think.