Well, I hope they release something, I don't really like juggling at least 4ESD/ISOs when they could all easily be on 1 or 2 ISOs, or heck a single 8gb USB drive.
And it needs to be because that has been thoroughly tested...just imagine if they made the ISO with that bad fix they pushed out yesterday and then 100 million people installed it and their machines were doomed. They can't include fixes in any official ISO.
yea nvida disp killed my sound card on home pc and cant install on laptop ( nv 820 mobile isnt supported ) ... love day one "fixes"
less than 48 hours before the 1000 questions/hr asking "why don't I have windows 10, I have the GWX icon?".
Sorry if this has already be answered but does this mean I'll have to reinstall the system on the 29th? My revision is the same as DiamondMon (16393), I checked windows update and there's nothing to update. According to this site https(dot)buildfeed(dot)net it's already at 10.0.10240.16406.
No, you won't have to reinstall..this really means nothing other than a ptf level (fix level). It is still 10240 and that is all that matters.
guy anyone now how to enable blur on Taskbar ,,,,,trick with regedit EnableBlurBehind dont working in build 10240