Hi friends, By the way after the recent update, I am having issues with Network Properties, and I see the reason mentioned here, but for your kind attention my sfc /scannow results found corrupted files that cant be fixed. How to fix that. Any help ? Thank You.
In Settings/Privacy/Feedback & Diagnostics, when you switch Diagnostic and Usage Data from Enhance to Basic, "Some settings are managed by your organization" appears in red under the General Tab. What's the meaning of it? Is it a bug?
Negative, that's what it says when it's managed through group policy editor. GPedit just points to the reg key. There's actually 2 reg keys: one to disable only the text sending stuff, and one to disable everything.
Did an upgrade from KMS pro, but clean installed afterwards. Activation shows Retail. No key or KMS emulation added.
Is not related with KMS? I said that because I have one version activated with KMS and that message appears and the other was upgrade from Windows 7 (permanent active) and that message don't appear.
It's in all 10240 builds right now unless you turn it off with that key. *supposedly* it's not going to be in the released version after GA, but I am not so sure. They definitely could patch it out, but they seem to be scrambling hard right now and making a lot of mistakes.
Well, I get this link with your Get-BitsTransfers command. Windows is downloading right now this ESD, how the link can be broken ?