Sounds like some device trying to establish a connection and can't and when it fails it tries again with a new one.
you can uninstall them from settings/system/apps & features -click app you don't want and menu popup uninstall.
funny, even after a reset this adapter problem shows. Check into your bios if there is some anomaly or better reset it to default
I recognize that tapv9 adapter from our kms v6 protocol tunmirror stuff. Edit: they are safe to uninstall, man. I don't know which program put them in your system but you can remove them in device manager.
do you even know want they are for,i would be worried if i didn't get them every day,they are latest definitions that are used to identify virus,spyware & malware.
Are you sure you don't have "show hidden devices" enabled in the view options of device manager? the other thing to check is going to an admin command prompt and typing SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=0
Just thinking..? maybe a good option for the first month to have insiders switch on due to bugs .. anyway have mine on with fast builds ..
I'm puzzled why MS hasn't pulled KB3074681 off windows update seeing they know it breaks things. Perhaps its required for the other updates to function properly.
You know, what they really need is an automatic update DE-INSTALL process that removes buggy updates.
Probably because: 1. Even if we're not in the insider program, technically we are sort of 'beta testers' as build 10240 isn't officially available to the average joes 2. A fix will come in the next 0-24 hours, so they prefer just adding a fix instead of pulling it
Hate to say this, BUT for me its been trouble free with all the updates. It probably hasn't been pulled as it works (what ever it does). Which leads me why some have problems. Seems its hardware specific (Nivia) or for some a network problem, (DHCP). I haven't had a problem, BUT then again, all my networks are fixed IP addresses and MAC specific.
Well I hear a fix is in the pipeline, as you would expect, I'm just surprised it's taking so long, I don't want to remove the update as I know they're not advising removing it, they're just giving workarounds to the problem. It means there was other things in the update that were important that we don't know about. In all the updates they're saying general improvements and features statements, they're not saying exactly what's changed.
There also needs to be a different NVIDIA driver by GA, or at least a fixed installer version of the current one.