True Especially when they can't probe much what is dish out from R&D, not many probe if any Due small sample size but windows comes from a very large sample size with a tiny margin of error.
Hahaha your free upgrade had a bug! *continues sipping $7 coffee and browsing internet on $2000 web browser*
@murphy78 Hope I am with you at least Windows have Hackintosh and can use out of the box part and accessories !!!
*shrug* I just turn the thing off, but I guess if someone only wants protection for really old files it can get annoying to download defender updates every day.
Macs are more of an appliance than anything else. People who use them just want them to turn on, then they surf the internet, but rarely anything else. I believe in Windows there is a lot more that a person can do, and learn. A lot more hacking around, if you wish. But, then again, this is just my opinion.
I was actually starting to wonder if they left it buggy for so long so they could use telemetry crash reports to see if their bug had any problems somewhere else. *tinfoil hat*
True Windows is across board if you like from home kitchen to small business; classroom to corporate I think Microsoft is listening and ironing bugs before shipping GA at least updates KB3074681 to KB3074683
Now have everything open in the start menu wow looks a lot sharper just need to sort out the apps colors so that they can all match plus the folder change colors to match the menu .. it's crap like this bugs me Maybe at 12:01 tomorrow you won't have to, lol
@TheCandyManHK Please help how do we enable folder colour changes in this build without a 3rd party app??