Yes, indeedy...whenever an OS X user is laughing and/or jeering at something related to Windows you know there's something they've completely misunderstood. Had a discussion years ago with one guy who was under the impression that OS X didn't use device drivers for the Mac's devices and peripherals--he was convinced that because OS X was a "driverless OS" that it was far in advance of Windows...Heh... It took awhile, but finally he belatedly came to realize that it only appeared that his Mac had no device drivers because Apple hid them away from end users (whereas Microsoft exposes them to their customers), and because Apple ships its OS X driver updates incognito in its "free" OS upgrades--which Apple uses to regularly patch and secure OS X... Oh, the anecdotes I could relate...! We really should start a thread somewhere entitled: "Stupid Mac things we've heard this month".... These days, though, I can only stay interested in the topic for about five minutes before it bores me's a litany of the same-old, same-old mistakes passed down from father to son via oral Apple tradition and is truly mindless...But what can you really expect from a company that is essentially a Personality Cult...?
@WaltC Thanks food for thought Personality Cult Yes that why some of them marvel when they see you with a productive work on a Hackintosh and rather than a Native Mac
but doesn't it download automatically and install automatically by itself? if yes then why disable them?
so I do not understand why people are wanting to disable definition updates of windows defender? can somenody enlighten me?
the problem I've got now is I'm already running an up to date RTM so I've got nothing to be excited about on the 29th..... it's just another day....
It did? Gabe just announced it tonight, and it wasn't there a few hours ago. Whatever it is, it's all of 2MB.
Looks to me like the Intel software only knows of Windows 10 as an insider preview, you've got the correct version
I spoke too soon about the lack of major problems. Remote Desktop isn't letting me remote in to home from work, despite the fact that everything is configured correctly.
Is anyone else having issues with rebooting? Almost every time my computer is rebooting it will hang on the restarting screen and I have to manually force reboot my desktop. Tonight it rebooted in order to install updates at 03:00 and when I woke up at 07:30 it was still at "restaring.." and I had to force the shutdown and reboot. Secondly, Windows 10 seems to suffer some kind of short-time memory issues.. It's not capable of remembering window alignment and placement after rebooting at all... I have Microsoft Edge aligned perfectly, just the way I want it on my secondary display.. What happens after a reboot, or even after I simply close down the application and re-launches it? It's suddenly in it's own window on my primary display.... And how do I make a Windows app / Universal App / Windows Store Application or whatever they are called these day to start-up with the computer? With Outlook 2016 etc.. I simply make a shortcut and place it within the Start Menu/Startup folder and it works. But I have no clue how to create shortcuts of apps from the Windows Store so how do I make them start with the computer?
I guess now if Windows update is pushing out Win10 we'll confirm in the next hour or so that activation isn't being removed