Are people trying to install today's dl from MS? I don't think it is new os folder is empty...haha. So that 5.9 GB has an empty new os folder...
File: 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1_cliententerprise_vol_x64fre_en-us_54d610e4e51a30e8f3e2e404cb3694e2af376756.esd The actual hash for the esd file is different than the one included in name. sha 1 = BAE600D3DC7279A36A3756862960C14A6625D514
Amd drivers 15.20.1065.0 July 21 hxxp: / / download . windowsupdate . c o m /c/msdownload/update/driver/drvs/2015/07/ Sorry no 20 post
I don't see how this is going to work for General Public who have done nothing to prepare their computers for this
They turn their PC on one day, and say, WTF is this? Take it to a repair shop and get charged £150 to put 7 back on it Wake up the next day, rinse and repeat
Just to be teached: If I come from Windows 7 - Windows 8, LICENSED, just have to Update to Windows 10 for free. And that's OK. If I want to do a ZERO installation, after activated Windows 10 Upgrade, can I format whole hard drive and install clean Windows 10 10240 iso??? Should I use the Windows 7 - Windows 8 serial during install??
Man what a mess, do you think there will be able to put backup copies on as I'm sure they know nothing about upgrade first then fresh install, I'm sure the FAQ's in my sig will change tonight at 12:00
That might be either a corrupted download, or maybe by the time you got to it, it had already been decrypted?
ok, i'm starting to get a picture of what is happening. one of my dls is now over 6.5gb and 1.2gb of that is drivers and still growing. They are sending out everything they could possibly need to make sure your pc doesn't die on the first reboot after the install is done.
What's worse is, if they upgrade from 8.1, then they lose their 8.1 license afaik, and if they hate 10, then what?