If MS is all about everyone upgrading via WU why would any normal user (i.e. not a MDL member) try to do a clean install of Win 10 let alone know how to produce an ISO from the downloaded update?
Please reply if or no update to genuine permanent Microsoft activation for this build. without insider preview. currently kms xspace activated.
what do you smoke all day long? Files are already deployed and there is no new file tomorrow. Consult a therapist please because your Brilliant Statements are boring
milons of peoples right now downloads 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1 from aupl.v4.b1.download . . . . the only difference between murphy78 ESD links is aupl.v4. at the beginning nothing new is not going to happen tomorrow
That's what I was talking about, we have to wait for new directions on FAQ's in sig tonight to give people the correct directions
Only new is Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB , but possible not available to download tomorrow! Maybe on few days!
And I'm betting against you and faikee that M$ will NOT provision install keys for those that refuse to upgrade 1st
That's one of the questions I hope will be answered tonight, if you upgraded already do you need to enter key
I'm horribly confused, still I'm sorry. I installed the 10240.16384 ESD file from Microsoft's servers as linked in this thread...after converting it to ISO obviously . Am I still Rtm or am I on some kind of beta version? Am I going to need to download a different ESD or ISO tomorrow and install that ISO instead? Or will I just keep getting patches that I need to install via Windows update. Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
i'm wonder how many people they will ask the same and same about RTM when the half pages here say's this is RTM
If you upgraded to 10240.16384.150709-1700.th1 and you are activated - that is permanently. you will get updates until your motherboard dies
Guys, I have 2 genuine Windows 8.1 keys so I upgraded to Windows 10 10240 from the activated Windows 8.1 builds on 2 machines and both Windows 10 builds remained activated. I've just downloaded the en-gb esd file from murphys link on the first page. Is it now ok to do a clean install using the ISO file that I'll create from the esd file and stay activated? (by using the hardware ID)