i had a fail to install 10 in win update history,are you saying windows trying to update to win 10 and failing is because it isn't time yet.
So,... another day, another build, another ... software development process: pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CFYeMeRWIAAaBxv.mp4
Update doesn't ask for 82 after installing 83 on a fresh system, so I'm fairly certain it supersedes it with some fixes.
Why is my current build showing as 10240.16393.amd64fre.th1_st1.150717-1719 and not 10240.16405.150725-1815.th1?
well it's 8.46am here in New Zealand on the 29th at the moment, windows hasn't asked to install yet, it has however downloaded.
what I say: no midnight in the US right now even if all have loaded atm. The flag starts at midnight, no way around showing the balloon ...lol
I'm not an expert on build string stuff, but from my understanding, patches only update files that are necessary to update. The build string just reads a file version, so it doesn't mean that your system isn't up to the right version. It just means that the file it's reading from isn't the same version. For example, if you look at explorer.exe it will show 16405.
I think you have to wait till Midnight Eastern time to make sure all files are downloaded plus popup will tell you when it's ready
answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki/windows_10-win_upgrade/how-to-create-a-bootable-iso-file-from-your/07590098-90a9-4c7e-b6fe-5ce1632daf4b here you guys go ^ right from the horses mouth
I did hash it after decryption. Downloaded again from MEGA, hashed the esd file before decryption, file hashes are ok, as murphy78 wisely indicated decryption changes the esd file hash, I wrongly thought decryption didn't modified the esd file. My first iso is ok, decrypted esd files hashes matched. Iso files do have different hashes with different decryptions. thanks!! murphy78, saved me a lot of time
what i'm saying is that windows tried to update to ten by itself while i was a sleep,i noticed the fail in winupdate history,i thought we had to wait for a notice to install it ourselves.
And I STILL don't have any ESDs in any of three that were downloaded today, I have 16000+ files in each of the $windows~BT\sources folder instead.