Guys, is there any info about a new updated esd or iso? I saw that Microsoft released some big update (~500mb) and I wanted to do the upgrade with the updated iso/esd. Any info about it?
I am wondering how long its going to take them to sort out ? Cortana plus local news feed thought news app .? Before they were working on Wzor but only via USA news feed .. As i have change to UK / English everything looks tits up..?
To fresh for How-Tows, the ESDs are in OP and the last ZDP got leaked afaik likewise. Check the other Sticky with WZORs "Leaks".
I have downloaded the ESD file, and created an ISO file. Can I just simply do a fresh install from an activated windows 8.1, or do I have to do an upgrade first in order to be able to activate the fresh install?
Thank you. If I can ask one more question about the upgrade: Do I have to wait for the upgrade to show up or is it the same if I just start the GUI in 8.1 from the disc / is there a different method that I wasn't able to find?
Same. You can mount the ISO and run setup.exe now or wait for the download to be pushed down and available.
So, what is the latest build as of right now? For example, if I check properties of explorer.exe, it says 10.0.10240.16405 It WAS 16384 before running Windows Updates last night.
I'm on Win 8.1 waiting on popup, someone else will help Someone please help this lady out EFA11, you there
Let go the number-madness. Burry in best case. Even on Win 8.1 you'll find that principle that different files will show different file versions. Not all files get new stamps during upgrades, apperently only those that get actually patched. So BuildLabEx value is the one, most orientate at.