I have the problem with Windows 10 Pro that I can not establish a remotedesktop connection to Virtualbox. It was possible before on Windows 7 - after the upgrade it was impossible. Now when I rolled back to windows 7 it is again possible. Which change is required or what restriction is now there with Windows 10.
Nirsoft's bluescreenview helped me identify the cause of bsods on windows 8.1 when windbg was hopeless, I'd give it a shot in windows 10.
Dell computers on their site, have diagnostic's test for free, I would try that to make sure it's not Hardware related
Was Hyper-V enabled with any recent update ? I was running VMware Workstation 11 fine till couple days back, but from yesterday, VMware reported that it is not compatible with Hyper-V and asked me to remove from system.. Only after removing Hyper-V from Windows Features and rebooting, I am able to open my VMs
Anybody figure out a way to do a phone activation or if the option even exists? I can't find it and even disconnecting the internet doesn't force it to come up. nm, I forgot there is a slui command to bring it up. well phone activation didn't work either and when I got a human he said it's a major issue that has been escalated and check back in a couple of days..
1 week of Insider, both WU and MS site. Everything working fine. Except if i use control userpasswords2 to disable password at login, my MSA image is not displayed.
We'll see if your still happy after Insider's start pushing out buggy builds to you to test, Insiders are required to download them to test so the public will not get the bugs, I will sleep better knowing you are testing and keeping me safe, jk, lol