yes, this just means that this update didn't modify Explorer.exe... i did the update and my explorer.exe shows the same thing
I'm sure you didn't go through them all as there are hundreds if not thouands..a simple change log that says this is what was fixed would be fine.
yep in my last post i didn't (i said that m8 ) then... i actually just did i just isolated the files that have dates on august... and it appears that Search, Bing and Cortana (and related files) are the only files that were updated.
Well, there are 961 x86 files and 670+ x64 files that changed and 4961 that didn't. They had bugs, they fixed bugs (presumably), just give me that list and leave the 7000 files to those who care about the details.
its normal one update have bugs / fixes the most is invisble like we know why we don't bother for more details
Yeah, this is new with the past every update said what its purpose was and now they don't think we should know.
Dude, don't get offended for no reason!!! i just stated the obvious, the things that are already on a MS page...i never "claimed" anything. again search for files updated with august date any browser+ctrl F
Dude? Are you kidding? I didn't say you "claimed" anything, I said that referenced page is nothing more than a list of files and nowhere does it say what was fixed. If you want to quote what I am missing, please do.
again, i referenced the files that had the date set to August, which means if you have those files on your computer without this patch they'll be dated before that (before august) which hints that at least those files were updated...what was fixed or not wasn't at any point part of what i said, i was casually discussing it with the other 2 members until you decided to highlight something that i already said in the post you quoted i clearly said... i mentioned no fixes, just the (obvious) fact, that on the file list there're files that have dates on august (which logically hints they're updated) , and i said that because this entire conversation started with a screenshot that shows that this patch didn't effect explorer.exe or modify the Windows version...etc. I'm just a member having a discussion with other members on a DISCUSSION thread. (Obviously)
i was looking through some reddit's and so far it does appear that the update fixed some Cortana Issues , i can't confirm that because i have it disabled also according to Gabe Aul account, this is not (SR1) i think we still have a bug fixes package coming on August.
lol i have no issue m8, i was just surprised of him talking to me like i'm some kind of MS authority that should've provided something! on my part that conversation is over