Can anybody tell me how to disable automatic upgrades in Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB? I know that I need to do it in services.msc but I dont know the steps for doing it. Thanks in advace.
thanks y'all I'll just download the Win10_EnglishInternational_x64.iso then I guess. But M$ could have made the nomenclature much more simpler, but then again its just M$ LOL
xinso Could you please tell me how to do this step ? Thx. 2. Export install.esd in x86 and x64 sources folder to install.wim
It's not a feature, it's a bug and it is Fixed in later Preview builds the first line is special (it's a separate code) this what explains that you can't resize it and you can't change the other lines shortcuts.
I downloaded this Windows 10 ISO SHA1: 0053B7A8E2CFAF3E553AB1E3A344B1C0AF48B1B6 & mounted it on a virtual drive, but the name on the virtual drive was just "Windows" ! I wanted to change its name to "Windows_10_AIO_x86_x64" So I opened Ultra ISO and changed it, and mounted the iso on the virtual drive, now it shows "Windows_10_AIO_x86_x64" on it. But now when I checked its SHA1, its changed to "SHA1:f8199a42c7a50a20b7619ea1e87c6ba84926ade4" ! Is this normal ?
The image in created ISO may be in .esd or .wim. They are compressed with recovery parameter nontheless. Firstly open the Windows.iso with Windows explorer, and it will be mounted to a Drive letter. e.g. X: To view: x86 install.wim (actually it is compressed in esd format) Code: C:\windows\system32>dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:X:\x86\sources\install.wim 部署映像服務與管理工具 版本: 10.0.10240.16384 映像詳細資料: X:\x86\sources\install.wim 索引 : 1 名稱 : Windows 10 Pro 描述 : Windows 10 Pro 大小 : 9,343,966,034 個位元組 操作順利完成。 C:\windows\system32> x64 install.wim (actually it is compressed in esd format) Code: C:\windows\system32>dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:X:\x64\sources\install.wim 部署映像服務與管理工具 版本: 10.0.10240.16384 映像詳細資料: X:\x64\sources\install.wim 索引 : 1 名稱 : Windows 10 Pro 描述 : Windows 10 Pro 大小 : 13,736,528,128 個位元組 操作順利完成。 C:\windows\system32> To export: x86 install.wim to 32.wim Code: C:\windows\system32>dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:X:\x86\sources\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:D:\32.wim /compress:Max /CheckIntegrity 部署映像服務與管理工具 版本: 10.0.10240.16384 正在匯出映像 [==========================100.0%==========================] 操作順利完成。 C:\windows\system32> x64 install.wim to 64.wim Code: C:\windows\system32>dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:X:\x64\sources\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:D:\64.wim /compress:Max /CheckIntegrity 部署映像服務與管理工具 版本: 10.0.10240.16384 正在匯出映像 [==========================100.0%==========================] 操作順利完成。 C:\windows\system32> [Note] 1. For detailed information on dism usage, please use command dism /? 2. Personally I delete both install.wim in Windows.iso, and save as AIO.iso for future use. 3. Usually, to prevent confusing, I export x86 install.esd/install.wim to 32.wim, and x64 to 64.wim. 4. For one image, we can use 32.wim/64.wim. For AIO, there should be more images. SO we had better rename them respectively. e.g. x86 32Cor.wim 32Edu_Ret.wim 32Edu_N_RET.wim 32Edu_VOL.wim 32Edu_N_VOL.wim 32Ent.wim 32Ent_N.wim 32Ent_LTSB.wim 32Ent_LTSB_N.wim 32Pro_RET.wim 32Pro_N_RET.wim 32Pro_VOL.wim 32Pro_N_VOL.wim x64 64Cor.wim 64Edu_Ret.wim 64Edu_N_RET.wim 64Edu_VOL.wim 64Edu_N_VOL.wim 64Ent.wim 64Ent_N.wim 64Ent_LTSB.wim 64Ent_LTSB_N.wim 64Pro_RET.wim 64Pro_N_RET.wim 64Pro_VOL.wim 64Pro_N_VOL.wim