CS-CZ x64 h t t p : / / tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/filestreamingservice/files/e7c8bf48-9ca2-4511-9170-d5b97df53262?P1=1436988623&P2=301&P3=2&P4=AlwCgHM2pj%2bO9kyKc2nkiCm7%2bAF6gEfwXjgv5m%2fd9bA%3d
pt-BR Pro x64 hxxp://tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/filestreamingservice/files/20401e52-46d2-4c7b-ae23-de7f5cb35cc2?P1=1436990643&P2=301&P3=2&P4=2GT0mqFsi5%2fFmr34uGKK0y0ffHSnQSurViU919d0%2bd0%3d
I am sure it's been asked and answered but I can't find it.. However, what the hell is this build? RTM or just another beta?
Hey, if we make the ESD into ISO & clean install it, will the keys previously provided by MS work? Will it activate?
Yea but I want to know how do you change the key? Like what file do I have to edit and paste the new key in?