In their statement they were saying they have concentrated on bug fixes, usually if they are happy they make a final run in case they introduced new bugs, then they release (might have been satisfied with internal testing only). The signs you are quoting are convincing, that this is indeed the release product, and it may well be. In any case, I am very happy with B10576 and this one.. this is much better than B10240..
I do agree remove-provisionedappxpackage and clean up it a bit and enterprise and enterprise ltsb are basically the same thing, especially if you are not interested in updated through windows anymore. WHDownloader has caused minimum conniptions here . Regards
So does this mean that we will be able to download this build from Media Tool or Tech Bench in a few days?
I tried 3 times through the insider program and it failed 3 times. I will wait. Maybe MS does not want an update from the RTM even though I am in the Insider program.
Anybody with a temporary link or a google drive link to x64 en-US Enterprise? MEGA is really slow with my connection. Thanks for your help.
Damn Windows Upgraded me from WIn 10 Pro to Win10 Ent. WTF is going on? Now my machine is not activated.
Business are business (maybe they want to know who is really working in that enterprise, who knows), you can right click on the app and uninstall.
This might not be RTM Build, as 10586 is not divisible by 16 and RTM Build usually available for both fast and slow ring at the same time.
I sense a certain level of hostility here......? You've actually got two brave new Windows worlds: (1) Installing Insider Preview builds and getting to use features months before the general populace (2) Not installing Windows preview builds and living, perpetually, on RTM, which is continuously modified in various fashion through continuous Windows Updates by patch & service packs (now called "cumulative updates," "rollups," etc.) (1) Is a brand-new option never before available to the general populace. (2) Is the same-old, same-old way it's been with Windows since the Windows Carpetbagger edition --you get RTM, Microsoft releases patches, you patch. Patches forever...until the next OS Microsoft releases (now the next version of Win10), and then, rinse & repeat, patch & patch, and patch that RTM......! Whichever we choose, choice 1 or choice 2, we are in the driver's seat and we make that determination. Where's the beef...?* (*It is highly probable that for you there is no beef, that I have misconstrued the tone and tenor of your statement. If that is so, then I beg a thousand pardons for my illicit and sanctimonious presumption.)