Thanks. I've installed and run Murphy's script. How do I now find and install updates? If I run Windows Update, from Murphy's thread, that appears to download everything anyway. Does the troubleshooter see what is available first?
Run the troubleshooter, it will check for updates, then click "Hide Updates" to choose any you want to hide. Then you click "Apply" or something like that and the Troubleshooter ends, then you manually run WU and the ones you hid won't show.
That's what I thought was meant, but running the troubleshooter I see 2 updates (M$ driver for Dell 3100cn PS which I don't have and Canon MP640 series Printer which I do have), but when I do "Check for updates" in the Updates and Security app it says I am up to date.
file explorer doesn't display icon of program associated with a file type I'm using Windows 10 64 bit, build 10586. After I associate pdf files with Adobe Reader, File Explorer doesn't show the Adobe Reader icon for all pdf files. After I associate mp4 files with MPC-HC, File Explorer doesn't show the MPC-HC icon for all mp4 files. I did not have this problem with Windows 10 build 10240. I did not have this problem with Windows 7 SP1. Is there a way to fix this probkem in build 10586 ? Or the only way to fix it is to install build 10240 ?
right click menu closes itself Sometimes, in File Explorer, when I right click on a file, the right click menu opens, then closes itself automatically before I click on an item in it. This problem occurs in Windows 10 build 10586, Windows 10 build 10240, and Windows 8.1. This problem did not exist in Windows Explorer in Windows 7, Vista and XP. Also, another problem that I noticed in File Explorer that did not exist in Windows Explorer: after many right clicks on many files, the right click menu opens with an increasing delay, and the only way to remove that delay is to restart Windows. Is there a solution to fix these problems in File Explorer ? Or the only solution is to go back to Windows 7 ?
Murphy78 provided this (Rebuild-Icon-Cache.cmd): Spoiler Code: @echo off color 1f pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" (NET FILE||(powershell -command Start-Process '%0' -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '%* '&EXIT /B))>NUL 2>NUL :-------------------------------------- ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. Iconcache Rebuild Script ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECHO This script will restart explorer and delete the iconcache files. ECHO The system will reboot when finished. ECHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOICE /c YN /n /M "Run this script? (Y/N): " set errortemp=%ERRORLEVEL% IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 2 EXIT IF %ERRORTEMP% EQU 0 EXIT taskkill /f /im explorer.exe takeown /f %userprofile%\appdata\local\iconcache.db && icacls %userprofile%\appdata\local\iconcache.db /grant administrators:F attrib -r -s -h %userprofile%\appdata\local\iconcache.db del %userprofile%\appdata\local\iconcache.db if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (ECHO iconcache.db deletion errors detected) takeown /f %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\iconcache*.* && icacls %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\iconcache*.* /grant administrators:F attrib -r -s -h %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\iconcache*.* del %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\iconcache*.* if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (ECHO iconcache folder item deletion errors detected) takeown /f %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\thumbcache*.* && icacls %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\thumbcache*.* /grant administrators:F attrib -r -s -h %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\thumbcache*.* del %userprofile%\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\thumbcache*.* if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (ECHO thumbcache folder item deletion errors detected) ECHO Process Complete. System will reboot in 5 seconds. timeout /t 5 /nobreak>NUL shutdown /r /t 0
build 10586 freezes I am using Windows 10 build 10586 and so far I experienced one case of freezing (cursor stopped moving; after pressing ctrl+alt+del, task manager did not open; had to press the reset button on the PC case). I used Windows 10 build 10240 and it did not freeze. Before that, I used Windows 8.1 and it did not freeze. Before that, I used Windows 7 and it did not freeze. Is there something wrong with build 10586 ? Does it have serious bugs ? Is build 10240 more stable than build 10586 ? Would you recommend going back to build 10240 ?
10586 is the current branch (for all versions but LTSB) and is working just fine, it seems to be a local problem on your hardware/windows install. Edit: i see you're having more trouble, according to your icon problems, so maybe your install is corrupted for som (user) reason?
Maybe it related to the internet connection or firewall. Internet stops work for me after clean install of 10586.0 (The lock screen flash and then the internet stopped work). after troubleshooting, I got the error : "One or More Network Protocols are Missing on This Computer".
in build 10586, sometimes, menu item do not show up In build 10586, when I right click on an icon in system tray, the items in the menu are missing, and only the white background is displayed, and the text of the item appears only after I move the cursor where the item is. And in task manager, when I click on the File menu, same thing happens, a white background is displayd instead of the items, and only when I move the cursor on "Run new task" then "Run new task" appears, and same thing for the "Exit" item. This did not happen in build 10240. This never happened in Windows 7. Is this problem caused by an update that was released after build 10586 was released ? Or it is caused by a bug in build 10586 ?
Solved. After I executed these 3 commands, the problem was solved: Code: ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache Code: taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F Code: DEL /A /Q "%localappdata%\IconCache.db"
in build 10586, at default apps, changes do not persist In build 10586, if I go to "Settings / System / Default apps", and at "Video player" I select "MPC-HC", this selection doesn't happen. If I close Settings, and open it again, at "Video player" there is nothing selected. The only way I could force this setting to persist, was to change the account type from standard to administrator, make the setting, then change the account type from administrator back to standard. This did not happen in build 10240. Is this a bug in 10586 ? Or this is not a bug, but a change like "since 10586, changing default apps requires admin privileges" ?
It is not a bug. You cannot change the recommended default apps without returning you to the Apps Store. I think Microsoft makes it that way in that build and subsequent ones from that point onward.
I already did a clean install, using the th2 iso from topic "[Index] Windows 10 Builds". Then I installed updates downloaded with WHDownloader. Then I had all these problems about which I posted. Now I'll format and I'll do another clean install, using the MSDN iso from February, from topic "Windows 10, Version 1511 (Updated Feb 2016), now live on MSDN & VLSC". After that, I will not install updates, to make sure that all these problems I'm having are not caused by one or more updates.
If after trying a known working mouse and no joy... Go back to 7(gives one a reason not to use 10... or 8 lol). What are some specifications on machine?