is it just me ? the esd has been out for a week, NO further updates for insiders, it has been well tested, all that can happen now is for M$ to do the WU for the non insiders.
older ver of UltraISO Editing Info : Code: Date 2015/10/31 Time 00.08.33 even this : Code: Name : Windows 10 Technical Preview Description : Windows 10 Technical Preview
I noticed that too (have a traditional bios, not UEFI). I doubt that this will be fixed anytime soon or possibly it won't be there using the cumulative update instead of an update from a new .iso, which is all I believe anyone can do until it hits windows update, unless a clean install is done. Do you do a clean install? If it's still there after the cumulative, we may just have to live with it--it's the sort of problem that lingers in my experience.
Yeah I too experienced that since last three builds even if upgraded or clean install the result is same
MS never published core/home alone in iso, it always been with pro 10568.0.151010-1734.TH2_RELEASE_CLIENTPRO-CORE_OEMRET
Gabe Aul announced 10586 going out to slow ring. It's the same build that's in fast ring. Then later said ISO's would take a couple of days. A couple of days is when it's been rumored to have it's public release to all as the RTM build of Threshold 2. The exact same build in both rings along with an ISO release at the same time of a rumored RTM release? But a few people here swore 10586 couldn't possibly be the RTM of Threshold 2 The fact it was released to INSIDERS, but had no signs of the PREVIEW watermarks anywhere was all the proof needed to know that was the RTM build released to Insiders first then the public would get it a little later on. Same situation as the original RTM release and people here acted like it was just stupid to think this build was RTM. The RTM's of build will always be given to Insiders first to test for last minute bugs before any public release. They made that clear months ago, but a few people here who come off as experts seem to miss that bit of info.
The timebomb was also removed so this is ready to be released, whether they change the build number for release with added fixes or last minute additions will be surprising. Can't see how anyone wouldn't think this was going out as fall update.