Who knows though, maybe LTSB gets 10586 without new 'features' (that are related to Metro apps that LTSB doesn't have anyway), but under-the-hood and in terms of security it will be 10586. I hope that's what happens.
I recently came off of the insider program in preparation for upcoming games so I am back on 10240 RTM fully updated. Can I use an ISO of this build and install over my current one without rejoining the insider program and have essentially what everyone will this Tuesday, or whatever day they release this to the public?
Thanks. Just upgraded my previous build and indeed you are correct. I also show as activated now and I notice the calculator is back. lol
I have just signed back into insider .. See how long it take maybe a chance i can push it out later but also depends how long it will take to upload and download ...?
Code: Z:\>dism /image:temp /Set-Edition:EnterpriseS Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.10514.0 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Error: 50 This Windows image cannot upgrade to the edition of Windows that was specified. The upgrade cannot proceed. Run the /Get-TargetEditions option to see what edition of Windows you can upgrade to. The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log maybe it can convert when planting edition file ? Microsoft-Windows-Editions-EnterpriseS-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384.mum ?
painfully slow install retained activation status this time around all of my icons that I dropped on my desktop wound up blank again. Had to delete and create them again. Welcome back animation is cute. Not sure leaving the Windows.old folder behind is great for the everyday user
I would recommend against this. It will cause problems with updates as LTSB version of TH2 will likely never happen. The whole point of LTSB was to not update features.
But will consumers have to do a upgrade as well or will 10240 be patched via a commutative update? If they have to do an upgrade as well I'll upgrade now, but if not I'll wait.