What are you smoking!? You're looking at the hash for En-US. Posts like yours cause mass confusion for others! I'd suggest you delete your last few incorrect posts to avoid confusing ppl.
Ah! This is the UK English version that is why. Sorry about that. hxxps://msdn.microsoft.com/subscriptions/securedownloads/?#searchTerm=Windows%2010%20Enterprise,%20Version%201511&ProductFamilyId=0&Languages=en&PageSize=10&PageIndex=0&FileId=0
microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/techbench Iso's from there still calls the Windows like "Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview"
strange my x86 computer received the update to 10586,but my x64 only received Update for Windows 10 for x64-based Systems (KB3106246),so i'm downloading iso from tech bench.
LOL it's just a label. You are fine even if you used the leaded ESDs from a week ago, which is what I used to upgrade 3 of computers. After initial install the build number is 10586.0. shortly after you'll receive a cumulative update package to bring the build number to 10586.3. No difference from using "official ISOs"
Thats the problem, I'm on the leaked ESD from a week ago and still no updates are found, not a single one, it keeps saying Im up to date
I don't know then. On all my three computers, the cumulative update showed up the first time I run Win Update, right after the installation was complete. I used the leaked ESDs on 3 out of my 5 computers and they all worked that way.
wasting of people's time. I thought the OP was going to post all MSDN ISOs, including Enterprise and Education VL.