Kb3116908 just installed on my computer via Automatic updates. I have noticed that if I hit the start button and click on all apps, I can not use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll up and down. Not sure if this was broken before this update, just noticed it. Winver now shows 10586.17
Just realized what my problem there was. Go to settings/devices/mouse & touchpad and turn on "scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" I had turned that off yesterday in testing and forgot to re-enable.
After new updates, I checked winver to see if it's still rs1_release in registry but removed it back to TH2
Anyone having internet issues after latest update? The issues I am having popped up after installing update. It could be a ISP related problem but is it a co-incidence that it appeared right after the update? weird speed/ lag problem.
some guy on PCbeta says the 1st insider build of Rs_1 release will come out tomorrow (Friday US time), I am not sure, maybe it's just a rumor.
I just checked, rs1_release is still in the Registry, nothing changed. Check this Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability
Thanks for point it out but try look at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion that still show TH2.
After I installed the update my car got a flat tire, my cat vomited on the bed and my girlfriend told me I was getting fat. F*** You Microsoft