emm something weird or bug maybe...I did reinstall windows 3 times..Before not showing my windows as Windows 10 insider preview but watermark there... I only see in intel HD properties -> systembinformatis my windows like read as inseder preview but no watermark in desktop I see in registry...nothing suspicious, No insider sign.. Anyone know what happen? please
No, this is poor laziness to copy and paste my text-files to somewhere else and even pretend to be the author (I monitored this a couple of times in the past ) I download all files from MSDN (is a very expensive service btw where I pay big money for!!) make all text files with hash etc and clowns copy it - feel like an idiot sometimes and the consequences will follow. When I know a way to cut this I will, believe me - and now I wish to you and every body a nice x-mas ..... period
busy times with Mega are over for a long time. When it was hot, files got deleted every minute because they ran a scanner. I had all my files ~ 3 TB on Mega at that time but it was useless because even imported files where deleted all the way back to the original uploader (myself). Consequence was to make a jukebox which seems to be running now for a long time - obviously As long as you do not share your file, it probably will stay now since the need for deleting is a minor thing atm
hi i have a question about upgrading from windows 7 to windows 10 can you still upgrade windows 7 oem activated to windows 10 (10586) so it activates automatically like you could with 10240? or should i install 10240 first to make sure it auto activates and upgrade to 10586 afterwards? all you needed was an internet connection during the upgrade process, right?
Pick your poison, and in the USA (Kansas) anyway, if you let MS do the upgrade (last one I did) it upgraded to v1511.
11082 is not for the general public - but I do test such crap, then dual booted back to LTSB which works. and I stand corrected - 10.0.10586 v1511 was what MS upgraded to.
i have not run into any mayor issue yet. this is what is for testing. most of the serious issues is people testing the OS on old hardware with basically no driver support.
Yep, nothing major but what is to me is most annoying. I still wonder why it works - then MS offers another release and they continue to F** up something. that is also why I Quad Boot. depends what I want to do.
I found 11082 to be the worst preview build Microsoft had done so far. That why I'm staying with 10586 and using 11082 on VMware
OK! Whatever, we're talking about 10586 here anyway AND that's the point and the focus, please stay on that. Thanks