Has anyone been able to install Steam? When I try to install it it says "Close steam before installing" but I don't even have Steam installed! This only happened with RS4
I noticed on rs4 builds that programs i have used on r3 now have mulitple processes (they had 1 before)
I was going nuts man, I don't have it installed and it keeps saying I need to close Steam. so what I did I downloaded the Steam installer again, you see, usually I rename it from SteamSetup.exe to Steam.exe and that hasn't ever caused any issues installing it. this time, I just left it with its default name as SteamSetup.exe and what do you know, Steam installed just fine.
I do not know exactly, just know from when I used insider channel ( on old pc ) for RS2 and RS3 was after 3-4 days of receiving latest version (all insider users) without time bomb, but Donna will say the decision soon on twitter.
It seems that no one here is not sure is this build rtm or not. Maybe they wait for some feedback to release it or not as rtm?
RTM is also insider preview. This is the reason you confused. BTW, there are at least 120 users in this thread, so they don't wrong.
The reason people are confused is because every time an official release is arriving everybody has to speculate about a build being the "RTM" one. Mostly people who never care to contribute anything in between.