Yep, it has to be on desktop thanks everyone for confirming this on my system it happens even with rar, zip
After it once happened with the jpg <> png on the desktop it now also happens with 7z <> zip and rar <>zip and probably all others. Before i tried with the picture it didn't happen with the other extensions.
Do you have a blue selection on desktop or empty, just dotted, by default? I have only dotted, but the bug is there.
Same for me, 17133.73: exelist was renamed to exelist.lst. New extention was saved by a simple click on the the free space in the window
I can not make 17133.73 iso I use RELEASE: UUPDL v0.12.99 and uup-converter-wimlib-15. Where do I put the CU folder or file. Is it impossible?
yes at first i didnt notice , but on repeating the drill carefully it is a very clear bug. @fLOW. are you on .73 ? try updating with CU and see if bug is resolved? for me .73 made my pointer response and overall system sluggish.