It's not just you. It looks like someone may be playing merge/rename games instead of just starting afresh?
I did create a new thread, not edited the 17133.1 thread, don't need 60+ pages of nonsense in the 17134.1 thread
I don;t know who and why some staffer decided to modify this thread, containing 100 pages of nonsense, to the new 17134.1 thread instead of just demoting the old 171311.1 thread to non sticky and just wait to some confirmation 17134.1 will become the new RTM before promoting it to sticky, or at least discussed it with me?
@Alphawaves This thread title should be "17133.1" and not "17134.1". The other thread that @Enthousiast posted few hours ago ( is also wrong, being "17133.1" when it should read "17134.1"
Why would you ask such an irrelevant question? You know very well this build was widely advertised as RTM. It's not like I installed it to test it for Microsoft. I installed it for one reason alone, RTM. You gotta be insane to give a huge business that makes millions your testing time for free.